Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - B051LjKo

Pages: [1]
Ostheer Suggestions / Re: The Axis countries
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:36:11 PM »
It doesn't  matter really, only a handfull of Ostwinds or Pershings saw action in WW2 but they are still a part of the game... It is just an Idea to give the game a little touch... (in my country we call it "schmeck") as I said, Axis wasn't only Germany (although was by far it's the most important part)... Eastern front it a perfect "spot" to integrate them ingame...

Ostheer Suggestions / The Axis countries
« on: January 24, 2010, 02:58:26 PM »
Ok, first thing, i just want to thank you all for giving us this fantastic mod. Off course, a lot of things needs to be tweaked, a lot of bugs to be removed, but you guys did a hell of a job...

To get to the point
You still have to give us Ostheed, and I dont want to get in to the game mechanics and stats, I'll leave this to you, but i am concerned with the visual identity and mixture of troops and nations. On the allies side, we have Americans, British and now Soviets, and on the Axis side we have only Germans (both Wehr and PE are Germans). Germany didn't fight the war alone, and Eastern front if perfect for inclusion of other Axis nation.

Concept I have in mind is simple, just take the Germans for the basis, and in every Tier put one unit from other Axis nations...

Axis countries that fought on the Eastern front:

Croatia (Croatian Legion involved in the Battle of Stalingrad)
Finland (not a ''classic'' German ally, but gave the Soviets a hell of a fight)

And, that's it folks :-) hope you like the idea...

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