Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - IJoe

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 83
Off Topic / Good bye everyone
« on: June 02, 2011, 06:15:39 AM »
OK, my translation effort is done, it's all good.
This, however, marks the end of any sort of cooperation I ever have to do with this mod for at least a while to go. This ugly witch hunt along with absolutely obscene changes to the faction, that brought me here in the first place, have exhausted my patience. No reasoning helps - just results in being publicly denounced as a "baddy" and a "fanboi". So the hell with it all.
Good luck (seriously), and have fun.

General Discussion / Re: Tiger Ace thread
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:48:49 AM »
Additional argument:
KT can 1 vs 1 kill IS-3 without having much of a problem in a direct stalemate, or even with IS-3 strafing around. In the second case  the chances are - IS-3 is a dead meat, unless it has got some serious support (like constant AP rounding SU-76), or simply runs away.
TA can 1 vs 1 kill ISU easily. That's clear, I think.

Balance Discussion / Re: [] Needed changes for EF
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:32:55 AM »
The point is, that people will never relent calling SU awfully OP as long, as soviet players will abuse (and they surely will) the use of MUN-free abilities through, as we are all aware, multiple similar  squad presence, to compensate for rather long cool-down timers. This leads us to:
A) inevitable blobbing, which is VERY bad, IMO,
B) unnecessary, excessive and annoying use of all possible abilities, like, f.e. even throwing AT nades at infantry, or mass satchelling enemy troops/armor (yeah, I've seen even decent players do that), just for the sake of doing something ["Hey, it's free anyway! So why bother?" (c)], which is just as stupid and bad, as point A), if not more.
Lower ( than that of other factions) MUN cost for abilities with longer cool-downs could make for a "unique faction feature" just as well, IMO.

Off Topic / Re: Random Word Game
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:13:26 AM »
Who-a-a-aT? :o :o :o

General Discussion / Re: Tiger Ace thread
« on: June 02, 2011, 12:31:59 AM »
TA can defiantly NOT kill a IS-3 head to head, or at least an IS-3 with even decent micro.
Well, TA has +10% speed that of IS-3. Should be enough to circle it around. And it's turret rotation speed is faster as well, it appears.

Balance Discussion / Re: [] Needed changes for EF
« on: June 01, 2011, 10:38:33 PM »
Frankly, I'm so tired of endless rampage about this OP issue, that I came to think about this solution to be the only viable one quite some months ago. I really don't see any other way, other than this one, or turning virtually all soviet units into worthless shit. No need to say, that is not an alternative I prefer.
So +1 to munition cost.
Concept, as I see it: lower MUN cost, longer cool-down, than that of other factions.

General Discussion / Re: Tiger Ace thread
« on: June 01, 2011, 09:51:03 PM »
@IJoe - I know that you are against any buffs to any German unit. I and other lads think that Tiger Ace, through it's Tiger on steroids, needs some kind of bonus. It's totally different weapon comparing to Tiger II aka King Tiger. It relies on speed and surprise effect than on just pure being bad-ass like King Tiger or IS-3. That's why it needs some kind of ability - to show it's an Ace, not just blitz Tiger with better engine.
That statement is not entirely correct - I'm against any buffs to any wehrmaht units, that's true. And that's because wermaht is already OP, unlike say PE, which infantry, I think, should get a faster vet  f.e.
As for TA vs IS-3, it's like T-34/76 vs Pz4 - can't win in direct confrontation, but can do with a little strafing. That's fair enough, I think.
TA is initially a vet 3 Tiger right away (in stats that is), which IMO is fair for a one-time call-in. BTW wehrmaht has better opportunity to spam quality armor that SU, and there's no need to add any more preferences to this faction.

General Discussion / Re: Tiger Ace thread
« on: June 01, 2011, 09:31:39 PM »
Just one question: what for?
TA can easily and effectively kill IS-3 with a little handling. Isn't that a sign, that it's quite fine already?
I just wonder, where does that obsession about this cool-looking unit come from? Just because you, people, think it's not "special" enough, it doesn't mean it needs some additional abilities. That is, of course, if we are talking about it's performance in the game, not some aesthetics-driven preferences.
So, if you suggest it being tweaked, some reasoning would be nice.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [1.4] List of known issues
« on: June 01, 2011, 08:15:55 PM »
^^ It was in the initial patch notes for donors.

I think, it's alright to open it now - nice change and a breath of a fresh air from those infinite "buff my Tiger Ace" threads ;)

Keep voting! Keep writing!

Red Army Suggestions / Re: Why were Russian trenches removed in 1.4?
« on: June 01, 2011, 02:39:52 PM »
Just move 'em up the tree (swap with the "Red Tide") - problem solved - they just cannot be OP for 4/5 CP, call-in, can they? SVTs are just a skin (it's guards' mosins by stats), one PTRD is pathetic - just remove it, but let the upgrade bring AT nades with longer cool-down than that of guards'

Balance Discussion / Re: [] Conscripts
« on: June 01, 2011, 12:41:36 PM »
AFAIK, it was never intended that molotovs destroy engines so, that will be rolled back in the next patch.
As far as I remember, it was one of the most popular ideas having to do with molotovs. And I regret, it is going to be taken away, especially since all those t1 nerfs are there to stay.

General Discussion / Re: Tiger Ace thread
« on: June 01, 2011, 12:08:26 PM »
Yeah. It needs an "I win" icon added.

Eastern Front Replays / Re: [1.40] Bunch of replays
« on: June 01, 2011, 04:45:44 AM »
... KV1 and KV85 are cool tanks but muuuuuuch to slow ;P
Too true :(

General Discussion / Re: The Tiger and his rewards :D
« on: May 31, 2011, 11:08:10 PM »
1) King Tiger has no special abilities/auras,
2) People prefer TA to KT,
1+2= TA needs nothing. It's fine as it is.

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