Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Mapping / Re: 4p_nikolaevka, 6p_vitebsk
« Last post by ivsh84 on January 07, 2021, 08:21:29 PM »
For those interested in nikolaevka: it was causing crashes due to decals present (just as bratislava map nearby).
Yes, I tried to use decals instead of splats, but this for some reson cause memory overflow slowly.
Now this map is fixed, got proper loading screen and will be available in EF. Though maybe some fixes to keep it in the best shape will follow. Versions above are obsolete.
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: And another..." Fatal AI Error, Execution Paused "
« Last post by seth36 on January 03, 2021, 04:05:39 PM »
I can't find the file:TacticFilter_TeamWeapon_Quick_Vehicle, help me!!! please !!!

In case you haven't found this (i know its an old post but no replies) you can find this within the mod files under the path Eastern_Front\Data\ai\tactics in the file searching for "TacticFilter_TeamWeapon_Quick_Vehicle"

I posted a question on this fix suggesting an amend to the code for it posted here
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: AI bugs: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING
« Last post by seth36 on January 03, 2021, 03:55:50 PM »
I added the processing parameters to nil:

function TacticFilter_TeamWeapon_Quick_Vehicle (squad)

--Robotnik: Quick tanks should circle around and hit the rear of team weapons, especially AT guns
--This Filter determines if its a team weapon, and whether the personality files allow it
if (not s_personality.tankmove_tactic_strafe_weapon_teams) then
return false

         if (sim_squad == nil) then
           return false

         if (target_squad == nil) then
return false

return SquadIsInFront (sim_squad, target_squad)


Hi, sorry if I'm missing something completely new here but I have a similar issue and wondering about this fix - Surely the logic added here is wrong? Neither sim_squad or target_squad are local variables defined within this method which (without being familiar with the specifics of this language as I cant see these as global) would evaluate to nill always and therefore the method just always returns false and effectively does nothing?

Cobbling this together from similar code I would expect the fix would make more sense as this for TacticFilter_TeamWeapon_Quick_Vehicle ??

function TacticFilter_TeamWeapon_Quick_Vehicle(squad)

   --Robotnik: Quick tanks should circle around and hit the rear of team weapons, especially AT guns
   --This filter determines if its a team weapon, and whether the personality files allow it
   if (not s_personality.tankmove_tactic_strafe_weapon_teams) then
      return false

   -- define sim_squad and check the value
   local sim_squad = AISquad_ConvertToSimSquad(squad)
   if (sim_squad == nil) then
      return false

   -- define target_squad and check the value
   local target_squad = SquadQuery_GetAnySquadCombatTarget(sim_squad)
   if (target_squad == nil) then
      return false
   return SquadIsInFront(sim_squad, target_squad)


That way the filter performs intended actions since we now have these variables worked out and can be passed to SquadIsInFront?

In my case I'm hitting 2 similar AI errors which are:

ERROR - Player 1002 AITactic AIVechicleTactic failed to call filter TacticFilter_TankMove_AllyMedium


ERROR - Player 1003 AITactic AIVechicleTactic failed to call filter TacticFilter_TankMove_AxisLight

I can't for the life of me find where these are being called from - My version is 2.30 - I can't update to 2.4 because I have the retail version from disc and steam doesnt let you download the mod if it doesnt find a steam version of the game installed so i had to get the older version from moddb - I saw the changelog for 2.4 references a typo causing an AI error

Is this where it says "AIVechicleTactic" rather than "AIVehicleTactic" ? Can't see if that is the typo being referred to or if Vehicle is meant to be spelt wrong here.

I'm going to just do an attempt with adding these placeholder methods to my to see if it helps:

function TacticFilter_TankMove_AllyMedium(squad)
   return TacticFilter_TankMove(squad)

function TacticFilter_TankMove_AxisLight(squad)
   return TacticFilter_TankMove(squad)

As i can't find anywhere those filters are defined but any info on this would be great, thanks.

EDIT Apologies for using quote blocks for the code snippet - I tried to use the code tags but the forum just keeps complaining I can't post external links which I'm not
Off Topic / Re: Minecraft server for EF
« Last post by kalou on November 24, 2020, 05:35:47 PM »
Hello, it is a pleasure for me to be here, lately as I am looking for a little more to do, my job as SEO has already got me a little tired, currently I have seen on many platforms for broadcasts that minecraft is rising in rank within of the games, I have seen several streamers who are very popular broadcasting how they play and have fun while they do it, that was an idea to find a server that I could handle in order to improve my gameplay
Announcements / Re: Eastern Front on Steam!
« Last post by dorotakotowska90 on November 19, 2020, 12:30:31 PM »
No offense, but considering that the last few news posts talked up the idea of the 'steam version' arriving before the end of last year... "About bloody time!"

But seriously, good to hear! I need an excuse to play CoH again (disappointing as 2 was and all - not to mention the 'pause' in my own project due to time commitments with school).


Kto dzwoniƂ ? Czyj to numer ? Skorzystaj z naszej wyszukiwarki
Mapping / Re: 6p_bratislava
« Last post by ivsh84 on October 30, 2020, 02:50:01 PM »
Initial version had too many chokepoints, so I increased number of pathways a bit. Plus improved two .aps, made them a bit lighter.

But with this map game crashes, causing bugsplat.dll bug. It's very easy to trace: start skirmish in a window and observe; if coh continues to eat more and more memory, then it will fall on its own.

(I initally thought that the problem was in weather transitions in case for nikolaevka and after setting static weather problem solved. But here weather is static from the beginning, so it's smth about wet map, light params or anything else.)
Announcements / Re: Eastern Front on Steam!
« Last post by dagmarakot90 on October 22, 2020, 12:30:19 PM »
No offense, but considering that the last few news posts talked up the idea of the 'steam version' arriving before the end of last year... "About bloody time!"

But seriously, good to hear! I need an excuse to play CoH again (disappointing as 2 was and all - not to mention the 'pause' in my own project due to time commitments with school).


is ok
General Discussion / Question about weapon target tables in Corsix
« Last post by GraveDigger on September 04, 2020, 01:45:48 PM »

I'm playing EF 2.30 on CoH v2.602 and I'm currently messing around with the weapon target tables using Corsix MS. The problem is that it appears that the new target weapon types (for example, T-34's) aren't translated by Corsix's dictionary, therefore it appears as hex numbers.

Is there any chance for me to fix it?

EDIT: Solution found. Thanks to EF Discord.
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: AI bugs: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING
« Last post by marthederancourt5 on August 14, 2020, 09:44:50 AM »
Hello uninstall and set back up, that worked fine for me too.
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Last post by marthederancourt5 on August 14, 2020, 09:43:52 AM »
Thank you for this topic. I went back to windows seven and my troubles disappeared.
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