Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Patch 2.20 'Hot Tamale'  (Read 8787 times)

Offline Rikard Blixt

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    • Eastern Front
Patch 2.20 'Hot Tamale'
« on: September 14, 2013, 09:19:00 PM »
Eastern Front Patch 2.20
'Hot Tamale'

* Added Howitzer Ammo trailer as map object.
* Updated UI unit ratings so players are less confused.
* Slight improvement to the PIV & Ostwind Normal Maps
* Fixed some UI issues with Panzerwerfer.
* Fixed pink Panzer 38t.
* Spotter team now uses hotkey "O".
* Fixed Elefant limit description bug.
* Removed non working env antitankbunker, replaced it with lowe to ground sand_wood_bunker with correctly working slots.
* Updated texture pathing on mg_bunker_open env so it uses ru_defenses.
* Added new criticals for Panzer 38t.
* Added new criticals for Panzer II Luchs.
* Added new criticals for Panzer III stubby.
* Now when you pick up a Sturmfusilier's schreck it will appear as the regular CoH schreck.
* Fixed the Red Tide ability side-effects of bulletproof units.
* Removed a lot of unused files.
* Updated obr nest structure.
* Fixed description of the dropped PTRS-41 rifle.
* Fixed weapon tables from Ostheer.
* Fixed Panzer38t right track.
* Fixed shader issue with Goliath.
* Fixed shader issue with Panzer 38t.
* Fixed a couple of British units that gave Beutepanzer Sherman and they shouldn't.
* Fixed a couple of British units that gave Beutepanzer Cromwell and they shouldn't.
* Fixed criticals for the Munitions HT.
* Added new type of Ostheer tank trap.
* Added Famo criticals.
* Added Ford GPA criticals.
* Fixed criticals for the Kübelwagen.
* Fixed Panzerwerfer main weapon criticals.
* Added custom criticals for Kugelblitz.
* Fixed a bug where Ostheer base defenses would one shot several British vehicles.
* Corrected Ostheer mkb upgrade to proper mkb model.
* Removed circle marker on Aces High! ability.
* Fixed sniper sound for the G43 rifle.
* Set correct sounds for the MG34s.
* Fixed Panzerwerfer limit reference.
* Fixed the wreck of the Me262.
* Tweaked Aces High! ability.
* Fixed Wespe UI bugs.
* Fixed T-34/76 recovery for Ostheer.
* Fixed Soviet MG nest issue when loading a saved game.
* Fixed Ostheer Flak 38 nest issue when loading a saved game.
* Sturmovie Ingenery now have access to all the buildings and structures they used to many patches ago.* Added proper tracers and model to Landser MKB42.
* Added Gray textures for the Jagdpanzer IV(courtesy of VanAdrian).* Fixed invisible Panzerfaust for Ostheer.* Fixed missing sound on PTRD41/PTRS41.
* Famo can now recover upgunned Shermans properly.
* Kübelwagen now uses the hitbox of the Schwimmwagen.
* Fixed issues with captured Ostheer vehicles
* Updated target recognition on Ostheer medikit abilities.
* Added new textures for the Beutepanzer Cromwell.
* Updated wrecks for the beutepanzer units.
* Fixed shock guard dp28 (was 15 shots/sec = mg42 rate of fire).
* Fixed target table issue on KV2 weapons against skirted units.
* Removed unused target table from Soviet weapons.
* Moved Brandenburger camo ability to slot 11.


* Removed reward units from Soviets and Ostheer. (see below)
* Soviets can now drop the dp28.
* Removed SU-85 from Breakthrough Assault Command Tree.
* Removed armoury requirement from full rifles and NKVD upgrade.
* Lowered Not A Step Back to 1cp.
* Rearranged veterancy bonuses from Ostheer infantry.

* KV-1 is the default unit for the Breakthrough Assault Command Tree instead of SU-85.
* Added SU100 placeholder(it is the SU85 with SU100 gun stats).
* Increased molotov research cost to 150mp and 20fuel.
* Slightly increased molotov impact damage (7-10 from 6-8).


* New Unit: SU-85 + SU 100
   - added to Soviet heavy tankovy
   - Uses an upgrade system similar to t34-76/85 upgrade system
   - added 10% less rec. penetration to SU 100
   - SU-85 will always be penetrated by german heavies, except for Wehr Panzer IV, StuGs/Pak/Gwagen will be around 60%-80%.
   - SU-100 will have a 85%-100% chance to be penetrated by axis heavies, StuGs/Pak/Gwagen will have around 45%-65%.
* SU-100 upgrade is removed when T-34/85 is researched.
* T-34/85 upgrade is removed when SU-100 is researched.

* Infantry changes:
   - Moved Artillery Spotter team to t1
   - Spotter cost 260 from 270, fine tuned weapon stats (damage 14 from 13.5, increased max weapon range to 40m (13/20/40/40 from 10/17/35/35).
   - Reduced spotter basic sight range, now increases with vet level by 10% each.
   - Strelky can now retreat after using DP-28 ability
   - Added molotovs to Strelky squads
   - lowered PTRS cost to 40 ammo/piece
   - Updated RBS to give +10 hitpoints/man for strelky
   - Committing nerfs of Strelky ppsh against KCH and regular rifles vs. elite armour (had 0.75/0.85 dmg/acc modifiers, normalized them to deal 0.75/0.75).
   - Command Squad long range combat performance is better and close range performance is slightly worse.
   - lowered Guards hitpoints to 82 (from 90)
   - Increased SVT40 stats against Panzerfusiliers
   - NKVD commissar should vet now a lot faster when nearby conscripts.
   - Increased Naval hp to 65(from 55)
   - Navals molotov range increased to 20m.
   - Navals vet req to 8/17/36 (from 9/17/36)
   - Guard vet requirements now match Navals (8/17/36 from 10/20/36).
   - Lowered dp28 ability supression multiplier to 2.5 from 3 and removed 20% accuracy bonus.
   - Increased Conscript rifle accuracy to 0.22/0.44/0.8 (from 0.2/0.44/0.8) and damage to 10 (from 9)
   - Lowered Conscript reinforce cost to 14mp, lowered reinforce time by 25%.
   - Lowered partisan smg moving accuracy to 35% (from 40%)
   - Fixed initial cooldown on RBS strelky abilities.
   - Lowered Commissar vet requirements by 25%.

* Soviet Sniper received the following changes:
   - Costs 300MP
   - It is an one man squad, gets the second member at vet 3.
   - Gets normal cloak at vet 2.
   - It cloaks on cover and can walk away from cover cloaked, but it reverts if retreats or fires.
* Increased Soviet Heavy Mortar pack up time to 3s/3.7s (from 2.4/3s)
* T70 and T90 can crush medium type objects.
* Improved T90 accuracy against planes.
* T70 reload time is now 4-5s.
* Lowered SU 76 barrage upgrade cost to 50 ammo, lowered reload to 40s.
* Increased SU 76 barrage damage against buildings.
* Lowered accuracy and penetration values of SU-85 against infantry based armours so it behaves more like the M10 against infantry.
* Lowered Red Banner Teching cost to 120mp/45f (from 150mp/50f).
* Buffed Gaz main gun rate of fire.
* Removed Maxim upgrade from Gaz.
* Lowered t34 hitpoints to 516(from 556).

* Firebase hardcap set to 1.
* Tweaked stats of Katyusha rockets.

* T-34 rate of fire lowered to 7-8 (from 6)


* Fixed wrong requirement texts on Panzerwerfer.
* Fixed Ostheer medic kits costs for vet 2 and 3.
* Normalized Ostheer Panzerschreck damage/accuracy.
* Increased Wespe/Panzer 38t limit to 3 max at the same time.
* Shared requirement of Wespe and Panzer 38t allows to:
  - 2 Panzers 38t and 1 Wespe at the same time on the battlefield (or vice versa)
  - 3 Panzers 38t and 0 Wespe at the same time in the battlefield (or vice versa)
* Modified Kugelblitz
  - reduced weapon burst duration.
  - Kugelblitz cooldown and reload times tuned down by 5%.
  - Kugelblitz accuracy and penetration values tuned up by 7.5%.
  - Fixed rebuilt Kugelblitz weapon.

* Ostheer infantry
  - Faustpatrone ability for Panzerfusiliers now is enabled when T3 modernization is researched.
  - Panzerjagers now costs 320 MP.
  - Panzerfusiliers use Landser grenades now (require grenade teching).
  - Removed assault grenade ability from Panzerfusiliers.
  - Tweaked some faulty weapon stats on g41.
  - Panzerfusiliers/Sturmfusiliers get a 25% increased resistance to supression.
  - Shared timer for Ostheer grenade/AT abilities (like stickies).
  - Changed Panzerfusilier Panzerfaust to 35mun instead of 25mun.
  - Removed dmg modifier on landser mkb vs. Strelky.

* Updated Brandenburgers:
 - Added Panzerfaust to Brandenburgers.
 - Uses late Panzerfaust now that deals more damage.
 - Increased rifle damage to match grenadiers (13->15).

* Ostheer Marksman received the following changes:
 - Costs 300MP
 - Gets normal cloak at vet 2.
 - It cloaks on cover and can walk away from cover cloaked, but it reverts if retreats or fires.
 - Removed scout vet bonus from Marksman.
* Beutepanzer ability now requires Fortress Command Tree.
* Changed Panzernest to 300mp and 20fuel.
* Decreased Panzernest HP from 800 to 500.
* Doubled Panzernest HP and removed 0.5 received damage modifier.
* Now Sdkfz. 251 can carry up to six guys and one squad.
* Panzergranate ability for the StuG III now deals 50% more damage instead of 25%.
* Reduced recharge time of Wespe barrage to 90s (from 105).
* Modified aces high ability:
 - Attacks the area where the trigger unit was
 - Does less damage but has a higher rate of fire, making it not a direct copy of the panzer elite ability.
 - Modified fx so it looks and sounds a little different.

* Duration time of Aces High lowered to 30s.
* Damage of JU-87 lowered 20%.
* Removed unneeded condition from For The Motherland and Charge abilities.
* Tweaked a bit offensive stats for the StuG III.
* Sturmpanzer IV hardcapped at 1 now.
* Removed Stuka MGs.
* Fixed Luchs mg34 damage against ZiS-5.
* Removed transport capability for Opel Maultier.
* leIG18 barrage ability now gets 20% more range on ace vet.
* Increased Panzernest buildtime by ~40%.
* Added lockdown to Elefant, lowered basic range to 40m, in lockdown increases to 55m, increased basic accuracy on long range to 85% (from 75%).
* Lowered Kugel hitpoints to 500 (from 600).
* Lowered Luchs cost to 320mp/35f (from 340mp/40f).
* StuG III costs 360mp/65f (from 325mp/50f).
* Lowered Panzerwerfer hitpoints to 250 (from 380).
* Removed vet upgrades from panzer38t.
* T4 modernization costs 80f (from 60f).
* Guards damage increased to 14(from 13), fixed rifle accuracy to match Grenadiers.
* Lowered Ostheer pIV penetration against IS 2, ISU and Churchill by ~10%, lowered overall gun penetration by ~3%.
* Increased Infgeschütz splash damage by 10% (from 0.5/0.65/1 to 0.5/0.75/1).
* Added own target table for Elefant.
* Added aimed shot for AT gun (35 ammo, 2x more accuracy, lowere scatter for ~3 shots).
* Lowered Ingeschütz damage/splash significantly
* Lowered t3 manpower teching cost for Ostheer to 100mp (from 150mp)


* Increased accuracy from Volks, Grenadiers and Stormtroopers against Conscripts and Strelky slightly.
* MP 40/44 weaponry now deals more damage to Soviet infantry units.
* Puma co-axial MG42 deals  25% increased damage against soviet infantry.
* 50mm Puma upgun has a 10% higher chance to snipe soviet infantry while standing still.
* Geschützwagen performs better against T34.


* Ostheer infantry receives new veterancy bonuses to create a less strong snowballing effect:

  - vet 1: reload x0.8, rec. accuracy x0.85 - 6xp
  - vet 2: accuracy x1.25, rec. damage x0.85- 18xp
  - vet 3: cooldown x0.8, max health x1.1, burst duration x1.15  - 32xp
  - vet 4: damage x1.3, rec. supression x0.75 - 44xp
Valar Morghulis
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I'll eat a tree if this won't work now
[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: ok
[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: I'll hold you to it
<10 minutes later>
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I think I really gotta eat a tree...
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: got a decent one?