Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS  (Read 5502 times)

Offline Cranialwizard

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READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:22:24 AM »
Hello! Welcome to The Great Patriotic War Subforum!
First and foremost, you are to obey all the rules of the main forum.

I know this rule list might be a little lengthy, but it will answer plenty of questions and lay some ground rules. So please read them.

I guess I should cut right to the chase and describe how this is going to work. Here goes:
Rule 1:
Be cool like Fonz!

Generally, most things are in range here to post but if you're going to not be a nice guy overall then you're not welcome here. We're all here to have fun, play some games, eat some popcorn...but mostly to have fun. If you are going to be unpleasant to friends, or foes, then the tournament becomes less fun and attractive to others. So just play cool, play nice, and everyone will have fun :)

Rule 2:
Absence is unacceptable within reason. If you as a player are not playing or organizing your games on time you may be kicked from the tourney. Each player has a generous one week to contact in any shape or form his opponent and organize when to hold the battles. If you are consistently absent from attacks or defenses and are unresponsive to messages/contact with your team then you will be cut from the tournament.

That said, this rule is to be used within reason. We all know, things happen in real life, both pleasant and tragic, planned and unplanned in nature. If it so happens one of these events occurs, notifying your team leader or one of the moderators of the Tournament is a prime way to be sure that you will not be cut. If a valid reason is given then of course things will be considered and taken action. If you are absent for a valid reason, then either a substitute will be called in from the team to take place of the absentee or the match will be called a forfeit and not played. In either case, if you're going to be absent from a match, week, however long you need, the best thing to do is tell us.

Rule 3:
Each player should be admitted respectfully into his or her faction forum. The Allies will have access to the Kremlin and the Axis will have access to the Eagle's Nest. Here, leaders and players can coordinate and post attack plans, strategies, and tips for the rest of their faction's eyes only. Plan your deepest and darkest secrets here!

Rule 4:
Each faction will pick a team leader or commander to help organize and give tips, hints, and strategies for their respective faction. Each team may pick up to 3 commanders, but have at least 1 commander.

Rule 5:
Factions will take turns attacking each other for the period of 1 week (7 Days, Monday 12:00AM EST to Sunday 11:59PM EST). The Axis will attack first. In each attack period, each player will receive one attack order. He or She may use this attack order to attack an individual sector. (NOTA BENE: 1 attack order does not mean 1 battle. Some sectors will be played in multiple battles, explained later)

Rule 6:
Attack Orders will be posted in the main section of the subforum. Each attack order must be titled in this fashion
Code: [Select]
[Round Number] Division Name (Player Name) Attacks #Sector Number This thread will also serve as a nice place to meet your opponent and organize a day to play against him or her.
(Note: Please try to keep the subforum clean. I reserve the right to delete nonsensical/spamming threads)

Rule 7:
For each win, there must be a posted replay as evidence. The Winner will be required to post the replay, however the loser may also do so if he/she feels as if he has been cheated in any sort of way. Players should post the replays in the thread that they opened the attack order. After replays have been reviewed, the thread will be closed.

1. Find your replay. Typically, this is in My Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/playback/insertreallylongnameofreplayhere.rec
2. Go to
3. Upload the file
4. Post the link to the forum in the thread that was opened.

Rule 8:
Games should be completed and submitted by 9:00 PM Eastern Time on Saturdays. (1:00 AM GMT on Sunday Morning) This will allow the process of weekly updates to be completed in a much more timely fashion. Your replay may not be included in the video update if not submitted by this time. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Pulling all-nighters on Saturday->Sunday is not a fun weekly event.

Here come the specifics!

Rule 9:
The initial Map and the according territories will be posted in another thread. At the end of each week, the map will be updated and a video will be posted concerning map control.

Rule 10:
Certain sectors will be played in a "Stacked" Fashion. Stacked games give the attackers/defenders more chances to win a certain round. In Stacked matches, Attackers may have to win against their opponent(s) multiple times in order to take the territory. Stacked territories will occur close to Victory Objectives and D-Day. This gives the defending team more of an opportunity to make amends and not become the victim of a steamroll.

To aide their team mates, if a player in adjacent territory to the stacked battle is active, he or she may offer to come help their team mate in one of the stacked battles as a substitute.

Stacked games will be 3 games total. The Aggressor must win all of these games, except in the case of D-Day where the Axis must win all of these games. (See Rule 27)

Rule 11:
Players will not be able to "Hop" from territory to territory. To give the simplest example, if you are defending Stalingrad, and there is also an attack on Minsk, you can not suddenly rush to defend Minsk from falling into enemy hands. Players will be stationed at sectors accordingly and will be tracked in progress. You may attack sectors that are adjacent to the sector you currently occupy.

-Clause 1: A player may decide to "Transfer" from one battle to another by applying to his or her commander, whom will then report the change to me. Such action will cost them one turn of attacking, and Transfers can not be used if the player has been engaged in combat during the week he or she applies.
(EXAMPLE: I am at Stalingrad and wish to move to Leningrad. It is Turn 3 (Axis attack). I may not defend at Stalingrad for the turn. I will then be moved to Leningrad next turn (Turn 4), where I will also not be able to attack for that turn.)

Rule 12:
When defeated from a territory, a player will fall back to an adjacent territory owned by a friendly. If the adjacent territory is full, players can work out agreements with commanders and those players on the faction's internal discussion.

Rule 13:
You may not switch factions at any time during the tournament. There is one exception, which is for the Allies only. On an attacking turn for the Allies, team leaders may notify me or a team official that D-Day will be called. In this fashion, players will be deployed to Sectors 1 and 2. Players may consult with their team leaders if they should or should not abandon the Eastern Front and take up a Western Faction. Sectors 1 and 2 will be stackable in favor for the attackers, meaning that the Allies will only have to win some of the battles in order to cross the beaches. This is, again, to prevent steamrolls. *Warning: You may not switch back to the Eastern Front if you switch to the Western Front*

Rule 14:
If a territory is surrounded completely by enemies, there is no possible support for these players. They will have to fight back the siege, and if they lose a battle they will subsequently lose the territory unless the territory is a specially marked stacked territory. However, this does not mean that team-mates can not help their surrounded comrades. The easiest way to break the siege is to assault the surrounding enemy from adjacent territories.

If players whom hold a territory that is surrounded lose the battle, they are displaced back into their faction's territory at the digression of team leaders.

Rule 15:
Capitals (Vienna, Berlin, Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad) can all be regained by combat.   

Rule 16:
Capital Cities will be played in a Best of 5 format, transitioning through more than one map

Rule 17:
From now on, Attack Orders will be posted in the following format:

See Rule 6

Rule 18:
Your position is the territory you currently reside in. You may defend this territory, or any friendly territory that is adjacent unless it is currently occupied by friendly players. You may attack any enemy territory that is adjacent to your current position. If you currently have no borders with an enemy territory, you may move through 1 friendly territory that has borders with enemy territories and attack from there. Your map position remains in your original location, unless you are successful at attacking whereby you will now occupy that territory.

Rule 19:
In an attacking round, you may move through newly conquered territories to attack new positions as well. If a friendly commander is already attacking a territory through the normal rules, and there are none for you to attack, you may move through the territory he is assaulting and declare an attack on a territory adjacent to that one. If you win, you will gain control of that territory and be positioned there on the condition that your ally also takes the territory you moved through to get to yours.

Rule 20:
Attack orders from the attacking team must be posted by Tuesday of the week. Defenders should have their team, if neccesary, together by Thursday of the week. The earlier the attack order, the better.

Rule 21:
Attack orders that are posted, but are not played will be declared automatic victory for the attackers UNLESS the defending team is prepared and willing to make the game happen and the attacker does not respond. Negotiation will then be made between the two teams and a tourney staff member.

Rule 22:
All games, unless otherwise specified, will be played best of 3, with 2/3 wins needed to win a territory. In stacked sectors, you will need to win 3/3 for victory as an attacker.

Rule 23: Attack turns will now last 1 week, as always, from Monday to Sunday. See Rule 5.

Rule 24: In the event a match is delayed due to map technical difficulties, contact a Tourney Administrator and you will be put onto a new map.

Rule 25: All attack orders, when formed, should be posted appropriately by using to give a visual aid with timezones.

Rule 26: Conditional Matches are always to be played, regardless if the match will/will not count. (This was implied, but not previously stated.

Rule 27: Amending Rule 10, Stacked Battles of D-Day are reverted to Best of 3 after the Allies take both territories

Rule 28: If players do not show to an attack, the winner is automatically the defender UNLESS no defenders were assigned to defend against the attack. (This nullifies Rule 21)

Rule 29: Amending Rule 2, Players who do not show to their game without good reason will be placed into a 1 round penalty box where they may not play for next round. Consistent offenders will be discussed between staff and team leaders.

Rule 30:
I respectfully reserve the right to add, change, or delete these rules as the Tourney staff sees fit as the Tourney progresses. Remember, this is a revolutionary type of tournament, and therefore, is quite experimental. If we see an exploit in the ruling then perhaps it is better to add a new rule to prevent such problems.

Allied victory:

Control more than 80% of European territory after a certain time


Take Berlin and Vienna

Axis victory

1) Control more than 30% of European territory and at least 80% of former (1939) Germany after a certain time


2) Take two of three major Soviet cities: Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad (e.g. Stalingrad and Moscow is enough)


3) Push back the Allied Invasion of Normandy and hold at least 80% of former (1939) German territory

« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 02:57:43 PM by Cranialwizard »
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Offline Cranialwizard

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Re: READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2012, 01:30:09 PM »

New rules have been added for clarification and understanding. Please read them!
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Offline Cranialwizard

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Re: READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 09:03:00 PM »
New rules added to clarify attack order posting schedule.

Please read them, and ask if you have questions!
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Offline Cranialwizard

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Re: READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 01:36:35 AM »
New rule added!!!
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Offline Cranialwizard

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Re: READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 04:59:17 PM »
Bump-dee-dump. The new rules were added 2 rounds ago, and can be viewed in the Round 8 thread, but I like the rules at the top of the list.
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Offline Cranialwizard

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Re: READ THIS - Tourney Rules - READ THIS
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 05:00:27 AM »
The rules list will be going under some reconstruction soon. Stay tuned.
"Balancers are 10 a penny"